Jesus Statue

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Jesus Statues

A statue of Jesus can be an important addition to one's home decor, reminding those belonging to the Christian faith of Jesus' life and message. As gifts for family members, religious figures, or friends, statues of Jesus can symbolize a bond of faith and love. A statue of the baby Jesus can remind Christians of the birth of hope, while an image at Easter can convey a message of devotion and selflessness.

What are some different kinds of statues or figurines of Jesus?

Statues, figurines, or images of Jesus typically fall into three types: the baby Jesus, the adult Jesus, and Jesus crucified.

  • Baby Jesus: Statues of baby Jesus are often displayed in a home or in a church at Christmas time, when Christ's birth is celebrated. The baby Jesus is often depicted as part of a nativity scene in which he is usually surrounded by his mother Mary, his father Joseph, and various animals. Statues of the baby Jesus symbolize hope and innocence.
  • Adult Jesus Statues: Typically, a sculpture of the adult Jesus shows Christ with his arms apart to suggest that he is blessing the world.
  • Crucified: Statues of Jesus Christ crucified are often very important in some parts of the Catholic Christian tradition. Usually depicted wearing a crown of thorns with his arms outstretched on the cross, the crucified Christ symbolizes sacrifice for the people of the world. Many churches in the Catholic faith feature a Crucifixion over their altar.

In other less typical Jesus statues, Christ may sometimes be shown embracing his mother Mary or blessing his cousin John. Less traditional Jesus statues may also depict him sitting with children and young animals to show his love for the young and vulnerable. Others still may show Jesus as a child being held by the Virgin Mary. In statues modeled after Michelangelo's work, he may also be shown lying in Mary's lap after his descent from the Cross.

Are there smaller versions of famous Jesus statues?

Many famous images of Christ have been reproduced in smaller versions to keep as gifts or mementos. Some miniature reproductions you can find include Christ the Redeemer in Brazil and Michelangelo's Pieta in St. Peter's church in Rome. The Pieta was the only work Michelangelo ever signed.

What are statues and figurines of Jesus made of?

While large-scale statues of Christ are usually made out of marble or concrete, smaller figurines for the home or garden are made out of a wider variety of materials. Traditional or antique depictions of Jesus are often made of wood, porcelain, or clay. You can also find other versions made of plaster, plastic, resin, polyresin, or terracotta.